
Arts & Diversity to Create Community — Eve A. Ma Media

Rich cultures and dramatic moments inspire, create empathy, and give enjoyment.


Palomino Productions wants people of different cultures to understand and appreciate each other, and our producer/director, Eve A. Ma, often uses the arts - especially music and dance - to tell our stories. We have filmed in Peru, Spain, and the USA and mostly produce documentaries but have some experimental work and one drama.

We are also aware of current problems and events. Several of our documentaries examine aspects of the black, and the Latino, experience or highlight immigrants. Our work is mostly in English but some is in Spanish with English subtitles. Some of our work has broadcast over over national PBS and other educational television stations.


NOTE: For "Events," we make the film available on-line for 7-10 days exclusively for your members AND we provide a one-time presentation: a Q&A with the filmmaker, an activity, or a panel discussion (can include someone from your staff). We prefer using Zoom, avoiding travel costs on your part and travel on ours, but can also do in-person. That said --

These are our two recently-completed documentaries. (We expect to have a third before the end of the year.): Flamenco: the Land Is Still Fertile (1 hr.40 min.), a second title soon-to-be-completed; and Rasaki's Drums and the rich rhythms of Nigeria's Yorubá (31 min.).

Flamenco: the Land Is Still Fertile (1 hr. 40 min). We shot Flamenco: the Land Is Still Fertile (Flamenco, la tierra está viva) in southern Spain's "cradle of flamenco," in and near the city of Jerez de la Frontera. Associate director Antonio de la Malena, a prize-winning singer from Jerez, knows "everyone" in the flamenco world and ensured that the documentary gives an accurate representation of this passionate art form, and secured the participation of the region's most important performers. The documentary uses performance, interviews, a narration and other materials to show what traditional flamenco is. It also attempts to contrast it with flamenco fusion so that the viewer will be able to distinguish between the two. Since (in this director's opinion) traditional flamenco is an art form that with great emotional depth, far more (in this director's opinion) than flamenco fusion, we should preserve and nurture it. LINK to trailer.

coming soon.... We're working on even another documentary, From Box to Cajón: Peta's Heritage (De la caja al cajón: la herencia de Peta) which we hope to complete by the end of 2024.

In Rasaki's Drums and the rich rhythms of Nigeria's Yorubá (31 min.) we are treated to the lively rhythms of the Yorubá ethnic group of Nigeria, and even to some of the fascinating masquerade dances as performed in Nigeria's Yorubaland. One of the principal ethnic groups of that country, rhythm and drums are an essential part of Yorubá culture and traditional religion, as well as being used for entertainment. Although most Yorubá follow either the Christian or the Moslem religion, they combine these with the traditional religion calling the latter part of their cultural heritage. And this religion has influenced various religious traditions in America, including candomblé and voudou. That, and the fact that many Americans have Yorubá roots ensure that this film should be of interest not only to musicians but also to a much larger portion of the population. LINK to trailer.

With these films, we learn important things about music, art, and the cultural traditions they embody.